Imbolc, is a cross quarter festival on the Celtic Wheel of the Year, celebrated over the 1st and 2nd of February. The festival coincides with early lambs being born, the first snowdrops flowering and when the energy of the earth is felt stirring. For me this feels the right time to publish my new website, which has been slowly germinating in the darkness of the winter months.
Here, in the galleries, I will be showcasing my landscape, seascape and woodland images and also, through my ‘Spirit of Place’ blog, I hope to share with you many of my walks (new and old), thoughts and reference some of my interests.
As an avid walker and lover of the land, I’m a passionate believer in the benefits of being in nature for our wellbeing, in fact I’m never happier than when I’m in a wood. So often, I see or hear things that just lift my heart or surprise me – it might be the sound of a woodpecker drumming as I photograph a patch of woodland, the pattern of ivy twisting its way up an old oak, the way a ray of light has picked out a fern or the sweet scent of bluebells carpeting the woodland floor. I see and hear these things, I photograph them, I might even record the sounds, but most of them I only share with the filing system on my computer…and this needs to change!
Recently, I watched a broadcast by photographer Paul Sanders, about sharing moments that might inspire us to take a photograph, not to win competitions or ‘likes’ but to share the joy it brought. A serendipitous prompt if ever I needed one! And so, here I am at Imbolc, launching my site not just to showcase my work but also, encouraged by that timely prompt, to start sharing with you some of the moments from my wanderings that have captured my attention.
To get the ball rolling the featured image above is one taken from a walk around a local ancient semi natural woodland which contains areas of oak coppice, a rarity in the south east of England. On this occasion I was fortunate to be there near Imbolc at a time when the sun was low, weaving its way through the twisted boughs and throwing a warm winter light across the coppice, bringing the mossy limbs to life.

I love the trees in this copse, especially ancient ones that, I admit, I imagine depicting human emotions, fantasy characters or gods. For me this adds to the magick and mystery of the woods – is this something that you do too? One character, that draws me every visit, I’ve titled ‘Pan Emerging’, the moss laden shape reminding me of Pan, one of the gods of nature…so aptly found in the middle of this ancient wood.
I hope you enjoy browsing my galleries which I’ll be adding to over the coming months. As I’m not very technically minded, I’ll be tweaking this site as I learn more, in the meantime, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Wonderful, Lin. Thank you for sharing the beauty and joy of your world. I notice the green mosses going up the trees since moss tends to stay lower on trees in western NY (maybe below the snow line). I love the way the sunlight illuminates the green. Imbolc blessings to you.
Many Imbolc blessings to your too and thank you, Elaine, for visiting and reading my first, slightly apprehensive step into the blogosphere!
I love how the verdant moss brings life to trees in their winter dress and it’s interesting to know about your mossy trees. I think generally here it grows where it’s damp and shady…and this wood can get very damp! It is said that the oak to build Tudor battleships like the Mary Rose came from the forest of Wealden, of which this is one is a small remnant but I think these coppiced trees are too young for that… but I like to imagine!
It’s a beautiful description of such a precious website which you presented us, dear Lin. Of course, so far my weak eyes could read it here on my Smartphone! I will be pleased to see more from your lovely work.
Thank you Aladin for your generous words. I have much work to do here and more galleries to publish but I am taking small steps as I learn more. Yes, I agree, I also find it harder to read and appreciate images on a smartphone…although that could just be a need for new glasses!
It looks beautiful Lin and ‘Spirit of Place’ is a great name for your blog. Impressive galleries! At some point it would be lovely to see some of your old black and white, film images here. Bright Imbolc blessings.
Thank you! Yes some mono work will be finding it’s way into the galleries as I slowly sort out my files.